Thursday, December 29, 2011

De-clutting clothing.

I talked in my last post about de-cluttering my life. I said I would start with clothes and I have. I went through two closets and my dresser. I also got rid of a sweat shirt from the bathroom cabinet. I thought I would put up a few pictures to show how it went.
My clothes closet (from last post) after cleaning out unused clothes.

My coats (from last post) after taking out unworn coats.

Sock drawer: Before and after.

Both t-shirt drawers, before.

Both t-shirt drawers, after.

Pant and short drawer: before and after.

Other stuff drawer: before and after.

Pile of stuff to go to others!

This has been a good start. This is not all of my clothes. There are some in the dirty laundry and I have some biking gear in the spare room closet. I am sure as I get more organized, I will continue to be able to get rid of stuff. Also, I hope to do the "one in, one out" from now on. That is for any new piece I add to my wardrobe I have to remove a piece.

I am not sure what will be next, but I hope my next day off of work will be as productive. 


  1. So no t-shirts at all or did I read that wrong?

  2. Brock,

    I took two t-shirt drawers and downsized to one. I don't think could do any less. I ride my bike to work 10 or 11 months out of the year, so I often wear two shirts a day.

    I hope to get more active on my downsize and de-clutter after winter is over. i just can't stay motivated over the winter. Plus, I have been staying busy ove the last month or so.

